Friday, November 25, 2005

OkiE! Before Boo comes back, i would like to extend a warm welcome to him! WELCOME BACK! bet three gruelling weeks in the outback muz have struck some yonkers into u. Wadeva, good to have ya back.

The past few days were realli taxing, i seriously cant believe how much stuff i moved up into an elevated transport of at least 2m tall, objects which may amount to hundreds of kilogrammes... and things like white boards that hafta be tilted at this precise angle and yada yada. Basically its jux tough manual work, not to mention after moving stuffs, we hafta set up stuffs too... not jux easie normal set ups, much more complicated ones. I almost succumbed to the exhaustion overwhelming me, showing signs of emotional stress and nervours crumble, signalling the unwillingness and the reluctance to expend anymore energy to do work. When i got home, i was absolutely drained, dried up of all expendable energy. Even longer hours of sleep cant replenish my over-loaded body. Else, positivity kept me going and gave me the strength to get this entry in.. haha

QuOte: Design you life, create your style, patent you, advertise youself, and make yourself an
award-winning life experience!

Monday, November 21, 2005

*Quick Flash!* Last week was hectic as usual. Work! wat else can it be other than hectic and being busy, its the norm. A Horrenduously important exercise (not literally), is creeping round the corner and preparations are up on my heels. Once this is over, it would prob be a better term ahead.

I am soooooo TempTED!!!! I seriously wanna watch my Harry Potter - Goblet of Fire, but for the sake of *erm-hem* hafta endure and wrench in agony as i try to shun away from pple whom had watched the movie... ARGH!... wadeva... anyway watched the Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets on TV and erm kinda relieve a bit of agony in me... I am so touched at the end when EVERYONE except the malfoy gang clapped for hagrid and applaued those un-petrified in celebration of everything good that triumphs over evil!

The Holidays are approaching, finances are on tight budget to tide thru this holiday season. I absolutely lurveeee the holidays. Such a festivity, such fun!