Tuesday, July 08, 2008

It is always true that the higher the hopes the greater the disappointment...

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Well, i know i have not been fervently updating the blog but seriously, i do have lots of drafts stuck within the inbox waiting to be polished and uploaded... haha okie...

Well a general figure of things that is to come...
My trip to Bangkok with the Bangkies
ARTS camp as an Ocommer
My Korea trip last year (so super outdated)
My Europe trip 2 years ago ( ULTRA outdated)

and i think i might be going for SEP... as in i am not too sure about the procedure and i am not too sure if they have accepted me. I'm still lingering there. I hope i get certification soon, if not things won't probably be planned nicely.

Okie... now for my first 3 months holiday summary. I think i kinda wasted my 3 months plus being super non-productive, except for reading some stuff and spending seriously lots of money (which i have to try to earn back if i wanna have a nice SEP exp with the additional touring around europe)... Now i have around 1 month left before school starts, which means another sem of working extra harder...

Have been going out quite often for the past few days, tried many different stuff and yeah it was fun-filled, but sinful(both monetary and physically, cos of all the good food), so my resolution is to exercise a lot more!